…when one sees them performing chamber music, one realizes the enormous quality of these performers. […] they proved it yesterday with a magnificent performance that honored the composers whose memory they pay homage to.
Scherzo Magazine, march 2023
The Trio Ravel offered a beautiful performance. They showed a strong raport: the dialogues between violin and violonchelo were exquisitely accompanied by the piano.
…performers of great experience and virtuosity, matured through a wide and ample repertoire. Their interpretation of Schubert was masterful, achieving some truly memorable moments.
Scherzo Magazine, april 2024

was born in 2015 as a result of the felicitous collaboration, during a chamber concert series hosted by the Spanish RTVE Symphony Orchestra, between three musicians with very different backgrounds and experiences: polish violinist Dobrochna Banaszkiewicz, cellist from the former Yugoslavia Suzana Stefanovic, and spanish pianist Hector J. Sanchez.
Although their individual experience has taken them to numerous countries and concert halls in several continents, as a result of that first collaboration they decided to explore their common affinity towards a warm, respectful, simple and exciting way of making chamber music, thus founding the TRIO RAVEL. Since then they have participated in several chamber concert series at the RTVE Symphony Orchestra and given concerts in other venues in Spain and abroad, expanding their repertoire to encompass not only the usual compositions by Brahms, Dvorak, Mendelssohn, Schubert, Beethoven or Saint-Säens, but also lesser-known works by Turina, Fernández-Arbós, Cassadó, Bretón, Tailleferre, Bonis, Boulanger, Cras, Pejačević, Zarębski or Twardowski